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Forum Posts

Nov 18, 2021
In Magic Talk
Man the local game store down here near us still has no idea when the set boosters will be available. The double feature stuff looks like a cute idea, but the rollout sounds a bit rough. Looks like they just color drained the card arts. I get what they were going for here, but I feel like they are trying too hard with card styles. Original Innistrad, Eldritch Moon and it's like did a pretty good job at depiction of the horror of the plane without having 3-4 varieties of the same card. Overall, I think I just may not be a Vampire/Werewolf focused person. Side note, I am still SUPER disappointed they did not errata the old werewolves to use the day/night mechanic. So far the stories have been okay, though. Good lord though, The last one I read, "Episode 3: Forever Hold Your Peace"... Only Sorin would be able to narrate a story through the premise of a stained glass window.😆
Oct 27, 2021
In Magic Talk
So, to those who play tabletop EDH, does anyone have a deck that you built just for shenanigans? I have a Maelstrom Wanderer deck that does just that. The deck runs heavy and randomized interaction cards such as Confusion in the Ranks, Planar Chaos, Warp World, The Great Aurora, Thieves' Auction, Risky Bet, Scrambleverse, Hive Mind, Eye of the Storm, Wild Evocation, Possibility Storm and my absolute favorite card in the deck: Goblin Game. Playing this deck with Planeschase or Archenemy really makes the game ridiculous. The funniest part is that this deck is also so disruptive to combo decks that it more or less locks combo players out of the game.
EDH/Commander content media
Oct 17, 2021
In Share Your Pulls
Did not hit the lottery like last time with the cards but I cannot tell you how cool of a surprise it was to see a MTG book in this good of condition. I believe we already have this one but still, it is an amazing surprise! Also attached is the new stainless steel kettle we won! This beauty is going to replace our 20+ year old one we have been using, and no I am not kidding, it is that old. At the very least I know these Urza's Destiny and Scourge cards will fill a few holes in our collection binders. Should not be hard to one up my pulls, what did everyone else get? Anything good? - Omeep and Asala
They can't all be winners, BUT... content media
Sep 18, 2021
In Share Your Pulls
Just got our first Mythic Box. The tea was Shou Mei White tea. We got a collector booster in our set, which I was thrilled about, as a DM for a Ravnica campaign though, I likely got more excited than I should have. Got some pretty Decent pulls, Think the best, hands down, was the Foil, extended art Inferno of the Star Mounts! Also happy I pulled a treasure vaults, which may or may not find its way into my CEDH Kinnan deck or my more casual Toothy and Pir Deck! Side note, The Relic Token pack was a neat surprise, I forgot they existed. Wife loves the Wolf relic token the most out of the pulls for her mono green Garruk EDH.
Omeep and Asala's Pulls content media


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